JuJutsu is the samurai art of adapting to your enemies strengths by using their momentum and weaknesses against them. Mental JuJutsu is adapting your strategy and tactics to your own strengths and weaknesses in order to conquer the enemy within.
We all could use some more quality questions in our internal dialogue like: "How can I make improving in this area of my life a game that is fun and exciting?" or "If I had to stop doing one thing today that is preventing me from being happier in the long run what would it be?"
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." -Albert Einstein
Agility of the Mind
The better your questions, the better your answers and ultimately your results. We all have a built in super computer within us and it continues to kick out answers to the questions we ask ourselves day in and day out. The quality of your thoughts will be in direct proportion to the quality of your questions. With this in mind it is imperative that we control our input in order to improve our thoughts which lead to the questions we ask ourselves and the actions and habits we form. Learn to pivot and be mentally agile to steer clear of destructive thought patterns and mental laziness. As humans we seek the path of least resistance, but at the same time have the power within us to create our existence instead of simply managing our chaos. Live well and create!